Dr Rebecca McLeod (Chair)
Rebecca has extensive knowledge of Fiordland, from the rainforests to its unique marine environment, having conducted ecological research in the area for many years. She is a science advisor with experience in the academic, commercial and public service sectors, most recently advising New Zealand's Antarctic Science Programme.
Stewart Bull
Stewart has extensive knowledge of the customary uses of Fiordland, particularly customary fishing. He is the former chair of the Oraka-Aparima Rūnaka and the former Oraka-Aparima Rūnaka representative on the Board of Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu.
Stewart is a Tāngata Tiaki, appointed by the Minister of Fisheries, in recognition of his particular expertise in local customary fishing management and resource issues. He is the Oraka Aparima Rūnaka representative on the Customary Fisheries Advisory Group and the Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu representative to the Southland Conservation Board.
Ali Ballantine
Ali’s passion for and interest in Fiordland began when she moved to the area in the early 1980s.
During her tenure as Environment Southland Chairman and Councillor, she advocated for the formation of the Guardians and for the ongoing support and assistance the Council provides for them.
Under her watch as Chairman, biosecurity threats in Fiordland were prioritised, which resulted in the initiation of the Fiordland Marine Pathways Plan.
Peter Young
Pete has worked on boats since he was 15-years-old. He lives in Te Anau and works in the fiords as a commercial fisher and skipper for charter vessels. He is also a very keen recreational fisher and hunter.
John Cushen
Gavin Tayles
Mark Peychers
Mark has been a commercial fisher for almost 30 years and is a shareholding director of the Fiordland Lobster Company. He has been a guardian since the group began in 1995 and was involved in setting up Fiordland’s first two marine reserves.
Mark has built strong relationships with our partner agencies (Department of Conservation, Fisheries New Zealand, and Environment Southland). He is actively involved with fisheries management in Fiordland and other parts of New Zealand.
Dr Simon Childerhouse
Simon is a marine scientist, specialising in marine mammals, with more than 25 years’ experience undertaking applied science in and out of government. His experience includes working for Fisheries New Zealand, Department of Conservation, the Australian Antarctic Division and independent research organisations. His work focuses on both conservation and sustainable utilisation. He has a love of remote places especially Fiordland, with experience in both Antarctica and the New Zealand sub-Antarctic region.